Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blogging Exercise

Looking at how much progress the media has made in the last five years, it really makes you wonder what it will be like five years from now for most people. Looking back through the years, it is amazing the progress the media world has made in getting information to the public. I remember there was a time when the only way to stay updated on news was to read the newspaper every morning and watching the news every night. Even then, so much would change between the time you read the newspaper to the time you watched the evening news that you would still never really be updated. Flash forward today where technology allows you to stay connected and provides real time updates to breaking news; as I sit here typing this, the CNN app on my phone just sent an update about the percentage of Americans who favor current economic conditions being at their highest in six years.

In the future I fully expect technology to advance just as much, if not more than it has in the last five years. Today, people access news, entertainment, and other media content on smart phones, tablets, and desktop/laptop computers. There are even glasses that you can wear that gives you Internet access while driving down the road. In the future, I fully expect to be able to get real time updates in your car or even on something like a watch. More and more video billboards will go up along roads and interstates that will be updated via a computer from far away. Who knows… Someone may invent a chip that can be imbedded under your skin that provides access to media.

I think the importance of media companies depend on the consumer. For example, I like to read about sports so any available media having to do with sports would be important to me. My wife on the other hand likes to read about cooking and crafts so that type of media is probably more important to her. I also think that media like CNN and FOX news are important because they keep the public updated on what is going on around the world.

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